Spiritual Awakening

The word "awakening" bothers me a little bit, because there are so many connotations associated with it that I don't think should be associated with it. For example, ideas of hierarchy come to my mind. For me, it can be described about your own soul coming out to play - feeling grounded, free, and fearless. It is a shift in the mind, yes. But it's not the kind of thing you earn. I say this a lot on my website, but it's really about you. Finding that truth in you behind the ego self and letting it shine out of you. There's nothing hierarchical about that! And I believe we are all born to experience such a shift.

In some ways, I find it easier to define awakening through its opposite. Let's examine the human struggle. In the experience of being human on Earth, we have fear. Fear and insecurity. We are afraid of losing our loved ones. We are afraid of death. We are afraid of pain. We are afraid of being broke and sick. We are afraid of being alone.

To try to escape this fear, we invent things in our heads and often try to make them become things in the world. We want to become someone, to attain success, to save the environment. The drive to be successful, for example, or to retire with enough in the bank. But even when (or if) we accumulate enough money, the mind still feels this underlying fear and insecurity. This can be said about health too, as well as having a social group - people, friends, family, and lovers. Our days are spent trying to prevent bad things from happening to us, and our whole life is organised around "but what if...".

Fear keeps us from speaking up, taking risks for what would truly make us feel alive. We tell us it keeps us safe. But when we learn where our safety really comes from, the picture looks a lot different.

Can we find security in the form?

The "form" is everything that you can think of, everything that you see, hear, taste, touch. Everything you can sense. But form is not limited to the material world. Form can also be in the mind. Ideas of good and bad, karma, and so on...

It's nice to have nice things, but fundamentally we are all trying to look for and maintain some feeling of niceness. A feeling of security, of wellbeing, of peace. The structure or form around which we promise ourselves this peace will come into being differs from person to person. And within each person, from time to time. But understanding that the feelings we want to experience come from within is essential to awakening. Because to understand that is actually to end fear. And when fear ends, the soul - you - come forward in your brilliant light.

When we externalise what's within us - the beauty, the happiness, the enjoyment of being alive - into form that we don't have, or even forms we do have but are afraid to lose, we end up spending our lives seeking. But through understanding that you are what you seek, that everything you want in the world comes from you and is in fact already in you, is what the shift I call awakening brings out.

Awakened people don't need to dress up in white robes and meditate in mountains (nothing stopping you though!). You can still live life much like everyone else as seen from an outsider, but you will bring with yourself a different quality. A quality of peace, wisdom, clarity in all that you do. This means that whatever you truly want to do - and I will say people who wake up often realise what they really want, not what they think they want - you will do as yourself.

If you'd like someone to point your soul out to you, feel free to reach out to me!




Peter made this website.