How I Completely Cured My Egg Intolerance In One Sitting

October 7, 2024

I want to share this story with you today. This is something that happened to me about five years ago, but it's something I still benefit from today. It's a powerful experience and I'm not exaggerating or embellishing in any way. You can even ask Rose (my girlfriend) who has in the house when it happened, who enjoys keeping my ego in check.

I just want to add before I get into this that it's not like I have absolute perfect health. That's not really the point of this article. I want to report this more as an experience. I have also never replicated this (never really needed to though!), and also never had the chance to coach someone else to try it out.

I actually have what I think is a pretty solid theory behind this, which I will explain. But enough of this, let's jump into the story!


How did it come about?

When I was about 19 or 20, I developed a pretty strong egg intolerance. I can't say for sure what brought it about, although I have my theories, but there was a point where eating anything that had more than 25% (ish) egg would give me nausea.

If I ate eggs straight, I would be curled up on the sofa for a few hours. I never actually threw up, and the reaction was never serious in the anaphylactic way - which is why I believe it to be an intolerance rather than an allergy. But when I ate eggs, I felt like my stomach would knot up. I would feel cramping, almost on the verge of throwing up but not quite. Enough to incapacitate me though.

Over the course of the next five or six years, I was trying many ways to deal with this intolerance. I tried different kinds of eggs like duck eggs. I tried cooking them in varying degrees. I tried probiotics and some other mainstream gut healing options. Nothing worked.

How did it get cured?

At some point I developed a curiosity around the mind-body connection. I had become more open to the interplay between the mind about body. I thought to myself simply, "If my body is misguided in attacking an egg protein, can I teach my body that the egg protein is harmless?"

The next thought that occurred to me was relating to how to inform my gut that eggs are harmless. It was kind of obvious my gut didn't speak English, so I couldn't say, "eggs are harmless!" - but what language did it speak? It best answer I could think of was that my gut might have been able to speak emotion.

But what emotion would convey the message that egg proteins are harmless? I made the parallel to real life. An intolerance is the immune system seeing something as an enemy and getting defensive. Why do we get defensive around some people? We don't trust them. It's fear and trust. So the emotional remedy to fear was trust. You fear someone who is going to hurt you, but you trust a friend. So I thought I could use the idea of trust and friendship to create the emotion associated with harmlessness to teach my body that the egg proteins were harmless.

I would cook 4 eggs, over easy, eat them on an empty stomach, and meditate and try to feel trust as much as I could. By this point in my life, I was reasonably experienced at meditating that I didn't drift off very much. I wasn't crazy advanced by any means, but I had done it a fair amount in my life.

I ate these eggs and immediately sat down in a lotus position on the couch and meditated. I started to think of my best friend. My best friend is someone who I could always have my guard down around. He was someone I could trust completely. There are people in my life who I can depend on in many different ways, but my best friend was someone who I feel like I can completely trust in every way. Not only to look after me physically, but emotionally, spiritually, and most of all he always made me feel completely understood and accepted. As I thought of him in appreciation more and more, I began to cry. This felt like a big emotional release. I sustained appreciating him. During this entire process, I had zero - not even a single pang - of nausea. Nothing. 30 minutes passed. 1 hour passed. 2 hours passed. I was still deep in this meditation of pure trust, feeling an overwhelming amount of love.

After about 3 hours, I opened my eyes and got up. I had no reaction.

Since that day, about half a decade ago, I have zero nausea from eggs anymore.




Peter made this website.