
If you were given a paintbrush and an empty canvas, what would you paint?

What inspires you?

I believe each of us was placed on this planet with some kind of purpose. I might refer to this as a calling. But calling makes it sound external. I believe this calling comes from deep within your very being, or perhaps your soul.

Sometimes goals come from a superficial place. You could say these kinds of goals are like desires of the personality. Not that these are inherently wrong, but more often than not they leave us feeling empty. We think we want them, and we struggle to achieve them. We hit many blocks, and on the occasion when we do achieve them, it doesn't feel as good as we thought.

The kind of goal, the "calling", that comes from the soul is dynamic and alive. It is an expression of the joy of your very being. Rather than being a promise you made to yourself 2 years ago that you keep trudging on, it's something that burns alive inside you in every moment.

In my opinion, there's no point in living for anything else. Your calling was placed in you for a reason. It was no accident!

If you know what it is, we can stoke that fire together, and help you to see how easily obstacles can be overcome. If you don't know what it is, that's just fine as well!

I would love to share with you the kind of amazing things that have happened to me and that I've witnessed in others when myself and others have chosen to follow the soul's calling, but I almost prefer that you experience it for yourself.

Is this something you'd be interested in? If so, please drop me an e-mail!




Peter made this website.